IP: play.syntaxcraft.us

Port: 25567

Our server is all-in for making your experience the greatest it can be!

The goal is to be your greatest SMP experience to date, thru amazing plugins, wonderful staff and dedicated players we are striving to have the best server on the planet!

IP: Strongholds.syntaxcraft.us

Strongholds is our Hardcore-Anarchy server!

Die on this server and you'll be banned for 24 hours! There is no ore underground, only in nodes on the surface! Get to 0, 0 for the best ore and loot! Good luck!

We are dedicated

We will make your Minecraft multiplayer experience the greatest one yet, though a tight knit community and a great atmosphere for all players and playstyles, we take community feedback seriously and we want to hear from you on how we can improve.

Multiple worlds to explore

We are part of AnnexedMC, meaning if you don't find what youre looking for on our server, there are plenty others to try out!

You can join us with Java or Bedrock Edition Minecraft making our server accessible to everyone is our #1 priority

Here's some pictures of our spawn and some builds our players have done!